I had a microdiscectomy about 5 years ago. It cured my sciatica but the pain returned.I had an injection which massively increased the pain then relived it.
I then carried on work as a dentist with extreme muscle spasms, taking codeine all day and eventually got up to5 x’s dose to work.
I was suicidal with the pain so sold my practice with the plan to do everything I wanted to do with the money then end my life.
Once I stopped working the pain reduced and I felt a lot better. I took two years off doing active low paid jobs but felt a lot better.
Then had to go back to dentistry and taking codeine again if not in such high quantity.
The most important thing I have found is reduce you sitting as much as you can. Movement helps with muscle spasms.
Now running ultra marathons up to 100km and doing double Ironman. Hoping to get money for Denali next year.
You are very early into your recovery. I will tell you know you will never feel back to 100 per cent pain free. Once you accept that your thoughts about the situation will improve. You will definitely be able to run again. Start pilates and try to keep as active as possible. The movement seems to be key and helps with your mental health. Until you have chronic back pain you can’t understand how much it destroys your life. MY mum had full on back pain for 1 month and said she finally understands how I feel everyday.
Keep positive and you be back to running long some. Good luck