My symptoms have varied in the past year as I’ve been dealing with this, but some I’ve had in the right hip include catching/pinching in the hip crease, soreness/discomfort in the hip crease, soreness up into the psoas, and soreness/mild sensation in the gluteus medius. On my left side which really just started in the past couple weeks I’ve only felt some catching/pinching, soreness, and tightness in the hip crease. I’ve also felt some light sensations in the gluteus medius.
I haven’t had any other sensation in my legs. My pain discomfort has varied quite a bit over time, but sitting for awhile or any sort of hip flexion movement (running, biking, even just walking/hiking for awhile) tends to aggravate symptoms. Downhill running tends to feel better than uphill running although I’ve felt varying degrees of discomfort on both. I will get some relief after I do some stretching, tissue work, and strengthening of the quads, hip flexors, and glutes. I got a cortisone injection in my right hip back in January and that got rid of my pain for awhile. In the last month or so the effectiveness of the cortisone has slowly reduced to zero.
I haven’t had any back issues or any pain or discomfort there during activity. In general though I am fairly tight in my low to mid back, especially on the right side. I’ve also been told that my spine is pretty straight where it’s supposed to have a natural curve.