Thanks for your thoughts! If I had to describe how things have been progressing so far, I would definitely use your phrase of “becoming more efficient running”. I definitely feel like that has happened some. I think I will use one of next week’s workouts as a new AeT test and see what happens.
As far as fatigue effects go, there may be an aspect to that as well. Since my big runs are on the weekend and my day off is Monday, I do get the impression that the Tuesday run is typically easier to keep my heart rate where I want it.
I am definitely looking forward to planning the next steps with you and debriefing what I have and have not learned
Part of this 8 weeks of training was to help me lock-in my decision about my objective for July. At this point I am convinced that it’s a go! Although, doubts still creep in from time to time, but that is natural.
Thanks for your response as well, I really appreciate your perspective. In my years of ultra MTB racing, I have indeed found that I end up doing most of my work in high heart rate zones. In fact, historically, I have completed races where the Garmin claimed I spent a not-possible percentage of my time in the red zone even though I had what I thought was a good understanding of my zones from testing. Also, that history is part of what is bringing me to the UA method. I want my metabolic power to get as high as possible without going into that anaerobic zone. I have historically had to rely upon constant, difficult to sustain, carb fueling to get me through 5 – 7 days of continuous racing. I really want to reduce that requirement and logistical nightmare of carrying enough fuel. I think I was at the point of diminishing returns without really focusing on spending most of my time in the fat burning mode.
Your answer about the two modes being exclusive at either end of the range makes sense to me. In essence what I was contemplating is this (made up problem for example):
I want to perform at fastest possible speed for 3 days:
a) use aerobic up to 250 Watts infinite time, carry only maintenance fuel, train to increase aerobic power to go faster.
b) push into high power 300+ Watts anaerobic zone early, really fast, limited time, digging hole, requires huge caloric consumption along the way and still digs a hole. Speed profile drops off with time to a lower level than (a).
The hope I had was that the aerobic power base was additive in that if I increase my aerobic capability, then I would need to add less anaerobic process to make up the desired total power. Problem is, if I go anaerobic and switch over to that mode, it sounds like having a higher aerobic threshold output power doesn’t help or add to the equation because my body has effectively turned off that mechanism.