@Brett – thanks for the response. I went with the Bulgarian split jump squats – I wanted to try and mimic the running dynamic (one leg forward, one trailing) as much as possible. To your point, the idea was to try and stay with the eccentric loading I have been getting on the split jump squats.
Let’s just say that judging by how I’m struggling to walk around without a cane that they’ll do just fine as a replacement for now. They are not nearly as fun – and they take some getting used to – but if you can get into a position where you can still “explode” off that leading leg, and then “catch” and control the landing…there is definitely loading.
@LindsayTroy – I had a look at those, but I’m just not athletic enough to get anywhere near either the range, or the “every second” standard the the ME workouts dictate. I end up doing some sort of one legged skip-thing, which is to erratic to repeatedly load in the right way. I did think that if I really wanted to make them work, balancing with a TRX band or similar would still allow me to get into the right position…but the Bulgarian jumps worked nicely.