It is playing on quicktime now, when I go to Google I see a files. Which I was able to download.
It is playing on quicktime now, when I go to Google I see a files. Which I was able to download.
Anyone have a suggestion on what app to play the video file? I am on Mac, the file is not compatible with quicktime. Is there a way to just see them in Vimeo? Another course I am in they just send the a link to access on vimeo.
My name is Meredyth. Hello everyone! Lauren – I lived in Yosemite for a year. I was actually there for the big flood (dating myself here). My hubby and I stayed on during the closure, he worked for park service and I worked for the concession. I currently live in WA, outside of Seattle in Snohomish. I am working my aerobic endurance. I was an avid climber, mountaineer, then triathlete, I took a detour and focused on my career for 10 years. During the detour I did crossfit and dabbled in mtn biking. I am realizing I ended up with aerobic deficiency (mentioned in the Uphill Athlete book and podcasts). Thus, I am on my path to get my endurance back while maintaining strength. I gooble up all the science that Uphill Athlete puts out on how to work on the aerobic base. I have always thought more intense the better, I am finding out the is just not true. Great to be part of the group!
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