I interpreted it differently, I assume the PE progression went something like
-two handed, no weight
-two handed, with weight
-one handed, no weight
-one handed, with weight
-incline one handed pull
-progressively harder versions of that.
So I started with the following in the first few SS workouts
-PE-1:two handed w/weight
-PE: one handed
Then moved into (SS4-6 or so):
PE: one handed with weight
Finishing with (SS7-8+):
PE: incline one handed pull
through all of the hangs, I counted reps as seconds. So when it said something like ‘up to 6 reps in control,’ I’d hang for up to 6 seconds. Eventually around SS7 I found I could do the whole ‘Biz’ workout with one handed hangs, +10lbs, 4 sets of 5, 6 sec hangs. I then moved to the incline, which I’m finding harder than I expected. Doing around 2 reps per set.
It’s very possible I read this totally wrong as well. My assumption is the rings are only there for if you can’t do anything with tools. So if you can use tools, forget the ring progression is there all together. The thought that the tool hang progressions aren’t meant to be included there doesn’t make sense, as that’s the strongest training stimulus, in my opinion.