Thanks for the reply, Scott. The three questions you posed are exactly what I’m asking. For example, I’ve attached (a screen shot) of a spreadsheet which shows the recommended times for each activity based on the book for a 200 hour annual training assumption. I’ve broken the “remaining Zn1 minutes” into two days for scheduling purposes, but the point is the same. If combined, they would be longer than the “Long Zn1” as recommended. Also, the workouts do seem very short – even the longest workouts in the meat of the Base Period seem shorter than some of the HIIT stuff I was doing (although I understand the completely different nature of the training effect; just sayin’.)
Bottom line – I’d rather start under-training than overtraining, but I also don’t want to be 20 weeks in and discover I was too far below a minimum threshold of volume to make noticeable change. Sorry for any lack of clarity and thank you for taking the time to answer!