Thanks for the response Scott! I appreciate it. Definitely worth listening to
Thanks for the response Scott! I appreciate it. Definitely worth listening to
Sorry – forgot to mention that I did see the other question by someone who mentioned replacing a “rest day” or a “strength day” with a climbing/ bouldering session because they also wanted to increase climbing output. Personally, I’m really just talking about maintaining an existing climbing program while only increasing aerobic capacity.
I saw that your response was this: “Keep the climbing low intensity belayed or short bouldering session. It is really challenging to increase the your climbing level and your aerobic capacity at the same time. We never do that with any of our clients, even the pro climbers. The demands of each are too dissimilar and not at all complementary. Figure out what your goal is and what you need to succeed at it.”
My response to this is: For an average day at the crag that I would expect during this process, lets say leading trad a grade or two below any “max” sport level averaging 6-10 pitches/day, I can wake up the next day feeling zero or very limited soreness. Does a day like that really impact aerobic training when it feels relatively easy/low energy during the process?
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