Hello Scott, any chance that I might be able to get you to expound on this, please?
I’m a 56 yo male. I spend close to half the month in a hotel. I have a very irregular sked that doesn’t often lend itself to getting into a gym.
I’ve been doing body weight exercises in my room most days. A combination of pushups, planks, generic core stuff, and most recently your “Killer Core Routine” has been added to the mix.
I typically do sets of pushups to failure, or close to it. My core doesn’t get worked quite that hard. My goal is nothing but general fitness and to keep the gross tonnage off.
Any thoughts, please, on just how frequently I should be doing all of the above? And if it’s not every day, any suggestions, please, as to how I might want to break some of this up so that I can have an exercise routine for at least 6 out of every 7 days?
Many thanks!