Hi Guys,
Perhaps I can jump in on this topic.
I’m new to this forum, but have been training “traditionally” using HR Zones for many years, albeit not entirely comfortably as I’ve always believed them to be compromised – just look at how many ways you can find to calculate them. However, until I read Training for the Uphill Athlete, I had seen little else that was better. So, I’ll give you my take on it and how I have based my new training regime which starts September.
AeT and LT are the two markers and all my cardio training is based off them.
Having used a HR monitor regularly for years I had good evidence as to where my LT was – somewhere around the 150 mark. I know I can work continuously at around that HR for about an hour and not much longer before I have to really slow down.
AeT was new to me. I’ve have nose problems from rugby days in my youth so the “breathing through the nose method” wasn’t an option. However, having access to a gym with treadmills, I used to “60 minute constant load walk test” and that came up with and Set around 110 – a little lower than expected but will use for Sept and re-test. By the way, I’m in my 60’s hence the low numbers – not as young as I once was.
Key to both of the above is I noted the HR not based on any formula, but on MY metabolic response to exercise. That is new to me, and I guess many on this forum. My AeT and LT markers.
I then manually set up my HR Zones as follows:
Zone 1: 88 – 99 (80%-90% of 110)
Zone 2: 99 – 110 (90% – Aet)
Zone 3: 110 – 150 (AeT – LT)
Zone 4: 150 – 164 (LT – 95% of max HR)
Zone 5: >164
Not sure Zones 4 & 5 need differentiated the way I have but as they are least important to me then I’m not too bothered.
I’ve a 10 day tough ski mountaineering tour in 9 months time and have created a plan based around AeT and LT for the next 9 months, with a monthly re-test/reset of AeT over the first 5 months. For anyone who’s interested I’m happy to share progress, end results, and comparison with my fitness on previous tours using more traditional training methods. I’m also totally open to any thoughts, comments or tips.
Cheers Guys.