Thank you for the response. To be clear, I don’t care about max HR. I just thought it might be useful information in the context of feeling like I have lost so much speed that I can’t get my HR high like I used to (when just running). I do think max HR is relevant in the sense of measuring how close your AnT is to it (the closer the better), but I digress.
So, do you have any specific recommendations as to the type of higher intensity work you would like to see? Intervals, Repeats, AnT threshold, Fartlek, Hills? I do have access to a track. Also, can you give me a specific HR you’d like to see the higher intensity work run at or a zone recommendation if you agree with the prescribed zones in the lab test?
Finally, from an aerobic detraining perspective – for maintenance purposes when I shift some volume towards higher intensity work – is it better to do my AeT work say 4 days/week for an hour each run or 2 days/week for two hours each run?
Thank you for your time.