Zones doubt | Uphill Athlete

Zones doubt

  • Creator
  • #70846

    Hi everybody.
    I have read both books many times. Amazing. I don´t know if the problem is with me english (I´m from Argentina, speak spanish) or it´s really confusing. If I catch my Garmin watch (Fenix), the zones are divided like this:

    Z1 Warm Up: 92 – 109
    Z2 Easy: 110 – 128
    Z3 Aerobic: 129 – 146
    Z4 Threshold: 147 – 165
    Z5 Maximum: 166 – max

    First question: Just reading that list, I “guess” my AeT is 146 and my LT is 165. Isn´t it? I know is not the best source of information, I know I should do some tests and calculate for myself… but please just tell me… I´m right what I´m reading from my Garmin?.

    Now, 2nd question: In the book I read many times that I have to make volume in Z1 and Z2. Z1 and Z2 in the book, are the Z2 and Z3 in Garmin?

    And things got more confusing in TP. There I have:

    Zone 1 Recovery: 0 – 126
    Zone 2 Aerobic: 127 – 136
    Zone 3 Tempo: 137 – 144
    Zone 4 Subthr: 145 -154
    Zone 5A Superthr: 155 – 158
    Zone 5B Aerob: 159 – 163
    Zone 5C Anaerob: 164 – 255

    Last question: I never read about Tempo anywhere! Here, in TP, AeT is 136 and LT is 144?

    3 questions in one post. Sorry! 🙂



  • Participant
    Dada on #70847

    Sorry, but maybe you should read the book once more.

    Anonymous on #70848

    But I don´t understund why.
    In the book, they don´t mention “tempo” in only one part. Attached a screenshot.
    And zones are different from Garmin, the book and TP.
    I wrote that I know I have to make other test to have my AeT and LT. I know I don´t have to “just trust Garmin”.
    But my questions, I think, deserve, another type of answer.

    Eddie on #70852

    > First question: Just reading that list, I “guess” my AeT is 146 and my LT is 165. Isn´t it?

    Maybe? But probably not. HR zones are highly individual, i.e. specific to your metabolic response. Best to test and verify yourself.

    > Now, 2nd question: In the book I read many times that I have to make volume in Z1 and Z2. Z1 and Z2 in the book, are the Z2 and Z3 in Garmin?
    > Last question: I never read about Tempo anywhere! Here, in TP, AeT is 136 and LT is 144?

    There are many different ways to define HR zones. Confusing, right? I wouldn’t get stuck on any one convention. If the books aren’t clear, this article may help –

    Anonymous on #70854

    Thanks a lot Eddie!

    Tobias on #70856

    Unfortunately, my long answer didn’t show up when posting … here is a shorter version…
    As eddie mentioned, the selftest I took the MAF as a starting point for the drift test.

    After I had a good number for AeT I used the calculator ( to get the zones and mapped the recovery zone as Garmin Z1 to work with Garmin 5 zones.

    For TP I just created the zones according to the calculator as well and put in the numbers from the calculator and stripped away the unnecessary zones. So, things I took from Garmin: MaxHF and (Anaerobic Threshold)

    Anonymous on #70858

    Thanks Tobias.
    Useful information. So you are doing like me (i guess). In your Garmin Z1 is recovery, so if you have to train in Z1 or Z2 according to the book, following your Garmin you have to be in Z2 or Z3.
    If you do a Lab Test, you have to put that AeT lab result at the top of the Z3 in your watch.

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