Warm up importance for drift test | Uphill Athlete


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Warm up importance for drift test

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  • #54269

    How important is the warm up for the drift test? Would your results be that dramatically impacted by not warming up?

    On a side note if you do the drift test outside and both the 1st and 2nd half of the drift test Pa:Hr are between 3.5 and 5% that’s saying your at your AeT correct?

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    Anonymous on #54313

    Warm-ups and cool-downs are the most important training you do. Skip the workout rather than the warm-up or cool-down. (I’m not joking.)

    The Pa:HR metric is applied across the whole 60 minutes, not the halves. Over that duration, you want the Pa:HR to <= 5%.

    juskojj on #54315

    I don’t have a TP premium so just trying to figure out best way of drift test with a wahoo. I could do manual laps and just click them at 15min, 45min and 1hr 15min for the warm up, 30min 1st and 2nd half of the test and get Pa:Hr that way and if im outside just keep my Hr steady. I think I heard 5 beats?

    Guess I should do a cool down. Most of the time I just go for anywhere from a min 50min to over hour run below AeT

    Shashi on #54322

    You might find this tool helpful –

    Online cardiac drift calculator / AeT test

    Anonymous on #54328

    I think I heard 5 beats?

    Probably not. The ceiling is 5%.

    juskojj on #54330

    8 beats is less than 5%. 178/170 = 4.7%

    Anonymous on #54385

    Maybe I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about the gap between AnT HR and AeT HR coming in under five beats. That would be exceedingly rare.

    dazz33 on #54535

    This might be a bit late but I also dont have a premium TP acc. But I can still see the Pa’Hr ratio on my android phone app. Just select the workout and click maps&graphs. It is one of the variable. Just tried it then.
    Also dont have a power meter on as it will then only show Pw,Hr ratio.
    Hope it helps

    Andrey on #54587

    Hi, if you have no premium TP account you can also use https://runalyze.com/. They have this feature in their free account

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