Questions for Seth | Uphill Athlete

Questions for Seth

  • Creator
  • #59530
    Seth Keena-Levin

    Hi all,

    Recognizing over the years I have coached relatively diverse athletes (from kids to 75yr olds) and from track runners, ultra runners, high altitude mountaineers (with/ without 02), rock/ ice climbers and alpinists, and I have a ton of workouts in TP library, I want to open this topic for any questions specifically about the aforementioned. Please ask.
    Of course I will be on other topics but thought this might help categorize the forum a bit.

  • Moderator
    Thomas Summer, MD on #59785

    Hi Seth,
    do you have any workouts, built for shoulder mobility and stabilization? It’s for a not very experienced climber who struggles in this particular area. If you already have something that worked well for you, I would be happy. Adapting to my needs is better than building from scratch;-)
    Thank you for offering your help!

    Seth Keena-Levin on #59809

    Yes, I have refined one that has been very effective:
    Search ‘ Climbing, Conditioning ‘ in workouts. This one is simple yet progressive as it uses mostly weights and not bands. FYI: Most will find 1-2lbs pretty hard for the Y’s and I’s exercises.

    If you are needing more than this let me know, I have more exercises.

    Thomas Summer, MD on #59856

    Thanks Seth!
    That’s exactly what I was looking for

    Seth Keena-Levin on #62082

    Kylee asked me about a pull-up WO progression for beginner puller-uppers

    I have used ‘Pull-up Progression’ #1 – 3 with beginners and have had good luck. In addition, you might use all or some of the ‘Conditioning, Arm and Shoulder, Bands’ to address wrist tendons.

    Search in my WO folder.

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