Pack weight training for Rainier | Uphill Athlete

Pack weight training for Rainier

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  • #41115

    I’m scheduled to climb Mt. Rainier in July via the DC route with Alpine Ascents. I’m currently following the 16 week big mountain plan and am starting Base period week 2. One of my concerns is carrying the 35-40 lb pack weight on Day 1 up to Camp Muir and maintaining the group pace. The UA plan doesn’t require any backpack weight on long hikes until the last few weeks before my trip. I know that the Zone 3 weighted climbs start in Base period week 4, but would it be appropriate to start carrying some weight on my weekly “hike on hilly terrain” sessions? Or during another workout? I know I should trust the process, but like most of us, I’m type A and want to control the things I can control, haha. I want to make sure I’m comfortable carrying the full pack weight before I show up on the mountain. I’m 5’3”, about 125 lbs, and live in flat Texas.

    Thank you!

Posted In: Mountaineering

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    Anonymous on #41124

    I know I should trust the process, but like most of us, I’m type A and want to control the things I can control, haha.

    The only thing you can control is your preparation. To be best prepared, it’s best to “trust the process”. Our plans postpone the weighted carries until underlying fitness has been improved. You’ll do better in the end if you start without weight and add it later. You’ll be able to start by moving faster and then add weight later. For most, the end result is a faster pace with weight than by starting heavy (and practicing going slow).

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