ME Work on steps | Uphill Athlete


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ME Work on steps

  • Creator
  • #31577


    I’m currently in the base period and have been doing some gym based ME work (Box step ups/downs etc…) but am now trying to do some of this work outside. I don’t have any big hills but have short section locally which is mainly steps and about 20%. The plan is to hike up and then walk down repetitively with an 8kg pack. If I do this for 1 hour I can get 15 reps in and gain 1400 ft in elevation. This feels like it’s tiring the legs although I stay mainly in Z1 & Z2 with about 7-10 mins in Zone 3. Does this qualify as an ME workout or do I need to tweak things?

Posted In: Mountain Running

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    Anonymous on #31589


    That definitely qualifies as ME. Whether you use those stairs and a heavy pack or the gym method depends on your goal event. For runners we prefer to use the gym ME. For skiers, mountaineers/alpinists we prefer weight pack carries.

    Be sure to read this article

    Those stairs also sound an ideal place to do hill sprints. Hint, hint.


    davelockyer101 on #31598

    Thanks. Being able to the ME work putdoors in this means I can mix it up aa bit. I’ve used the same section for hhill sprints but it’s quite short and I struggle to get into z3/4. Does that mmatter or is the benefit more neuro muscular?

    davelockyer101 on #31599

    Thanks. Being able to the ME work outdoors in this means I can mix it up a bit. I’ve used the same section for hill sprints but it’s quite short and I struggle to get into z3/4. Does that matter or is the benefit more neuro muscular?

    Anonymous on #31605

    NOTE: Zones and HRs are irrelevant during sprint work. In a mear-maximal effort of 8-15″, only pace or power would be a reliable way to measure the output.

    Heart rate will likely peak during the rest interval and–depending on fitness–it may not even exceed AeT HR.

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