Max Mountaineering Strength Workout | Uphill Athlete


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Max Mountaineering Strength Workout

  • Creator
  • #6708

    I’m trying to interpet this:

    … Just use a lighter barbell for the box step ups. Then rest 2-3 min stretching and repeat 3 more times. Use mountain boots for all. Repeat couplet 4 times

    So is that 4 sets (4 steps + 4 push-ups) X 4 or 16 sets (4 steps + 4 push-ups) X 16 ?


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    Anonymous on #7674


    4 sets of 4 repetitions of step ups. Between each set do the push ups. You end up with 16 total reps of steps ups in this workout.


    langer318 on #7680

    Scott based on the description in the training plan I’m not clear.

    So for example if I am in week 3 of Max Strength the plan says to do 5 sets, so I have been doing the following:

    Set 1
    4 step ups
    4 push ups

    Set 2
    4 step ups
    4 push ups

    Set 3
    4 step up
    4 push ups

    Set 4
    4 step ups
    4 push ups

    that is one couplet which I would then repeat this 4 more times, for a total of 80 reps for each exercise.

    But based on your description I feel I’ve been doing it wrong and should be doing the following:

    Set 1
    4 step ups
    4 push ups

    Set 2
    4 step ups
    4 push ups

    Set 3
    4 step up
    4 push ups

    Set 4
    4 step ups
    4 push ups

    Set 5
    4 step ups
    4 push ups

    For a total of 20 reps for each exercise in week 3.

    Can you please confirm which is the correct way?


    sandijs on #7733

    Set is:
    4 reps of step ups
    4 reps of push ups

    So you are definitely doing it wrong.

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