Thank you, Carolyn and Maya, this has been an amazing year, truly transformative. Not only physically, but even more so mentally in my perception of myself and of what I can do.
The learning has been incredible, and one of the most important things I’ve learnt is how to read the body’s signals that it’s time to curb my enthusiasm and dial back or even stop completely for a bit to allow for the needed recovery.
At age 50-51 this has been my first ever year of training and of actually pushing my body in any way. I’m going to take January off from structured training to step back both mentally and physically and assess how and what I want to do in terms of training and goals in 2023. Not least because this past year peri/menopause greatly clouded the signals and affected what I could do. I’ve started hormone therapy, so I’m going to give that time to kick in (which I fervently hope it will!) and then try out my new-old body (and psychological state).
Thanks again. I expect to be back at some point!
Happy New Year! May it be a much better one for all of us.