I’m looking for some advice about my knee injury, which developed quickly about 6 weeks ago following a little tightness in my calf … I cannot think of anything else that preceded it! Yes I was working nights, had recently raced (not long), and was training so I guess everyone says overuse/overdoing life etc, but this is the norm for me, it wasn’t my life suddenly got more stressful. If anything the UA program saw me improve and excel in races like I’d never before so I was happy and excited.
I’ve seen 2 physios and a Chinese medicine practitioner. Some tell me to rest, some tell me to load the tendon, one told me to run, the other two said don’t run for 2 weeks… I’m now confused. I’m coming up to two weeks no running and doing my physio work (loading the tendon) and continuing to swim/walk and I tried a cycle but that hurt/throbbed in the tendon.
My pain is primarily in the tendon on the posterior of my knee, on the outer knee. The pain also feels like it’s behind my knee at times as an ache. It hurts at night when I sleep, and after any exercise if i try to crouch down it hurts, and I couldn’t sit cross legged on the floor without pain, or sit back in the equivalent of a child’s pose in yoga. I’ve had someone say it’s a bursa in my knee and then tendon rubbing, someone else say it’s all from my hip.
Does it take trial and error to find the right physio/sports therapist for you? I feel I am haemorrhaging cash at this and as a paramedic student I don’t have it to burn!
Does anyone else have experience with a similar knee issue, I fell when I tell professional therapists about it they seem a bit confused…
I am desperate to get back to running as I am like many others on these forums who get down when I can’t run. I’m trying to channel my energy!