Hikes in the northeast US | Uphill Athlete

Hikes in the northeast US

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  • #25414

    Stuck in the flatlands at the moment for work. I’m looking for advice on challenging day hikes that are accessible from NY – which I guess means Catskills and Adirondacks. I found the Devil’s Path in the Catskills which is roughly similar in distance and vert to something I did recently in BC (Cartier), to give an idea of what I’m after. I know there are plenty of guidebooks out there; happy to take recommendations for those, or for resources online.

    Thanks in advance.

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    Anonymous on #25419

    For work day stuff use the gym machines. Try to find a gym with an incline trainer and a stairmaster.

    When you get outside the Adirondacks have planty to choose from. We’ve had lots of folks train on Giant Mt S. trail right outside of Keene NY. I’m not familiar with the Catskills though.

    Good luck,

    Anonymous on #25427

    Get creative with linkups and laps if you want distance and vert similar to what you get in BC. When I was in Québec at the beginning of last winter I would splitboard several peaks in a day just to get something comparable to what I skin around revelstoke.

    Also the whites are rad, put a tent in your trunk and go to New Hampshire on some weekends.

    Mariner_9 on #25484

    Thank you both.

    Scott – currently using treadmill set on max incline (15%) and I’ll be doing weighted stair climbs in a high-rise for muscular endurance. I’ll see if I can find a gym with an incline machine.

    Dominic – I think enchainments are the way to go. I was back in Revy earlier in the month – vert and distance are easy to find around there. Should be there for at least some of the winter.

    sbr.nyc on #25506

    Breakneck ridge to Beacon
    Anthony Nose
    Bear Mountain (North Face does 50 miler trail run there)
    Suffern-Bear Mountain Trail

    Adirondacks – Great Range (25 miles, 10k gain), Mt Marcy, Algonquin Peak (3k ft gain over 4 miles), Whiteface (google for Whiteface Sky Race on strava or ride with GPS) (3k ft gain over 2.2 miles)

    Mariner_9 on #25576

    Thanks sbr.nyc, those are very helpful suggestions. Looks like there are lots of ideas in fastestknowntime.com.

    richard.ferron on #25717

    Some good ideas:

    In the adirondaks:
    Great Range traverse
    Trap dike

    In the Whites:
    Presidential Traverse
    Pemi loop
    Hut traverse

    Also, check this out: http://dailey7779.blogspot.com/p/endurance-hikes.html

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