Fix ADS or Stick to Training Plan? | Uphill Athlete


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Fix ADS or Stick to Training Plan?

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  • #41646

    Firstly, thanks for such a great resource.

    After a couple years of waffling and trying to have it all, I switched focus last year, from a career of HIIT/Oly Lifting/MetCon to endurance. I may someday comeback to adding some intensity, but I am completely onboard with your sandcastle analogy, and believe that I’ll benefit more in the long run from correcting my ADS and maintaining a good aerobic base regardless of my year to year goals/plans. This year my goal is to run my second marathon and I’ve started the Beginner Marathon Plan, but as I’ve learned more from TftUA and from your site, I have become a bit uncertain about what to prioritize.

    Which brings me to my question. Should I stick to the training plan regardless of how my AeT moves or doesn’t over the next 8 weeks? Or, after the 8 weeks, if I still have ADS, should I extend the transition period (avoiding Z3-4 work) until my AeT and AnT are closer? (24 weeks til the race, btw)

    Thanks again.

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #41658

    I would be tempted to focus on improving your ADS until about six weeks before the event, then you can add some higher intensity work to prepare for the race.

    Performance in a marathon (for all ability levels) is very dependant on the aerobic threshold, so the higher you can get it, the better you’ll do.

    Speedwork is also important, but you’ll still be able to benefit from it by postponing it a bit.

    I hope that helps.

    phil-mor on #41659

    Thanks for the guidance Scott. I may follow up later if I have specific questions on modifying the training plan, but I suspect most of the concepts will be covered in TftUA once I get to it.

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