Firstly, thanks for such a great resource.
After a couple years of waffling and trying to have it all, I switched focus last year, from a career of HIIT/Oly Lifting/MetCon to endurance. I may someday comeback to adding some intensity, but I am completely onboard with your sandcastle analogy, and believe that I’ll benefit more in the long run from correcting my ADS and maintaining a good aerobic base regardless of my year to year goals/plans. This year my goal is to run my second marathon and I’ve started the Beginner Marathon Plan, but as I’ve learned more from TftUA and from your site, I have become a bit uncertain about what to prioritize.
Which brings me to my question. Should I stick to the training plan regardless of how my AeT moves or doesn’t over the next 8 weeks? Or, after the 8 weeks, if I still have ADS, should I extend the transition period (avoiding Z3-4 work) until my AeT and AnT are closer? (24 weeks til the race, btw)
Thanks again.