“Got the following zones” how? The watch spit them out? (Generic zones aren’t specific enough.)
Are you using a chest strap with your heart rate monitor? (You need to.)
Hello All,
I’m new here and new to training. I am easing into it but bike commuting most days on top of light workouts. I have a Suunto Ambit 3 and it seems that I’m in Z3 more than I’m not.
I did a treadmill test and got the following Zones:
65 – 121
122 – 142
143 – 162
163 – 183
184 – 204
I’m just not paying attention or working too hard? Are my zones off?
Thanks for the help.
Posted In: General Training Discussion
“Got the following zones” how? The watch spit them out? (Generic zones aren’t specific enough.)
Are you using a chest strap with your heart rate monitor? (You need to.)
Okay, great. Was the treadmill test what we recommend–a drift test?
Once you do an aerobic threshold drift test, that sets the top of Zone 2. Then an anaerobic test will set the top of Zone 3. From those two benchmarks, you can go down and up respectively by 10% to find the neighbouring zones.
More info: https://uphillathlete.com/aerobic-anaerobic-threshold-self-assessment/
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