Abbreviated max strength routine | Uphill Athlete

Abbreviated max strength routine

  • Creator
  • #36647


    I’m just beginning my muscular endurance training (week 9 of base period).
    I understand that I should still continue doing once a week max strength work-out but it should be abbreviated. How have you shortened your max strength work-outs? If I have had three different exercises (two for legs and one for arms) should I just drop one of the exercises out?

    Also, the book tells that later this abbreviated max strength work-out will become a warm-up for ME. When is this exactly?

    Thank you!

  • Participant
    Dada on #36654

    To be honest, I thought the abbreviated max strength is a shorter hill sprints workout (1 set of 4 reps)?! But I had the same question a couple weeks ago.


    Anonymous on #36709

    A general rule of thumb is to just use half the volume for max strength maintenance.

    Can you point me to the page where it says to use max strength as a warm-up? (And in which book?)

    Mariner_9 on #36764

    “Can you point me to the page where it says to use max strength as a warm-up? (And in which book?)”

    TFNA, location 4210 in Kindle. “One Max Strength maintenance workout as warm-up for core routine.”

    Anonymous on #36778

    Sorry, I only have the print edition. I’m going to guess that it’s a half-volume workout.

    Susan on #36815


    I am referring to the page 249 of TFTNA under “Base Period Training Task for Weeks 9-16” “One day per week continue with abbreviated Max Strength routine. Later it will become 1x/2 weeks as a warm-up for ME.


    Anonymous on #36832

    Check out “Maintaining Your Max Strength Gains” on page 232.

    I would use a half-volume workout as maintenance.

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