Quick highlights:
- 33 years old.
- Resting heart rate around 44 bpm. Max in the low 190s.
- Fast twitch guy. Most of athletic background is sprints, weights, HIIT etc
- Recent move to hiking/ultra running in the last year
- Live and train at elevation, around 4.5k ft
- AeT around 137/138 (when nasal breathing become difficult). AnT around 170.
I’ve been training my aerobic capacity the last 4 months assuming by AeT was around 145-150 bpm based on perceived effort (this is before reading the book). But nasal breathing becomes labored at around 138 bpm, which means I’ve been training over AeT. A bit surprising, because a lot of my long days (3-8 hours) I average closer to high 140s/lower 150s bpm.
But this is a good thing, right? My aerobic capacity and ADS is AWFUL. But this means after some retraining, there is a lot of room for improvement to gain speed and endurance, right? If my AeT were much higher, that basically means I’ve hit my “peak”.
Just trying to make sure I’m thinking about this the right way..