Active Heat Acclimation | Uphill Athlete

Active Heat Acclimation

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    Anonymous on #27516

    We thought this new research was worth reporting on. Other than that one research paper and the one data point with Roxanne we do not have any other experience with this method.


    dwpyle on #27849

    Another (minor) data point. I live in South Florida so almost my training is in hot weather. Today it will be around 90 when I start my afternoon run. From skiing in the Rockies to skiing and hiking in the Alps, I’ve never had the slightest problem with altitude. I haven’t been as high up as Roxanne, but I have done a couple 4,000 meter climbs and have spent a fair amount of time above 3,000 meters. It would be great if this heat cross training is valid.

    briguy on #28011

    Living in South Carolina, I have some anecdotal experience with this “method” and doing high altitude mountain running races. I think there is is some benefit, but it’s really hard to measure because:

    A) some of what you’re getting is just general “heat acclimation” advantage because high-altitude races are often in low-humidity climates, making the race environment much more conducive to hard work than the training environment.

    B) everyone’s response to both the heat acclimation and race-altitude can be so different.

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