Hi, guys!
I am in a similar situation to that of Andy Traylor. I’ve been climbing very actively for approximately 12 years. Started running more actively about 1,5 years ago, after some years of very sporadic running. Pretty much started to run because I was bored on my rest days from climbing, and needed an excuse to get outside. I’ve been curious to learn more about how the running affects my climbing, as I enjoy to do both, and would like to progress in both.
This year I’m hoping to improve my running for the Sydney half-marathon (hoping to run it in approximately 1,5 hours), whilst simultaneously doing a lot of hard bouldering training for a bouldering trip coming up one month after the half-marathon. As the two sports are extremely different, I feel like I can easily go for a long run shortly after a hard bouldering session. I can see a potential advantage of this: By doing both, my general fitness level will be higher than elsewise, which might offer certain synergies (?). Also, I have the time to get enough sessions in for both running and bouldering, so the running does not cause me to miss climbing sessions. The only constraint I can see is the recovery time, which is likely to be prolonged by putting running on top of the climbing, thereby making progression more difficult.
Thoughts on this? Is there anything that dictates that combining the two should be an impossible task? As of now, I am able to make quality training out of both my running and climbing sessions.