Z1/Z2 duration | Uphill Athlete


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Z1/Z2 duration

  • Creator
  • #63739

    Hi Scott
    Firstly, thank you for putting together such a brilliant book. If only I’d have had it years ago as an amateur racing cyclist, it would have saved me doing 000’s of junk miles and I may have actually won something.

    My question relates to the duration of Z1 / Z2 training. I understand it’s a case of the longer the better and I often do 2 hours plus at 55-75% Max HR when hiking and cycling. However, I recently noticed that on my daily dog walk I clock up 15 minutes in Z1.

    Is there any benefit in spending such a short period in this zone or is it only the longer ones that make a difference?

    Many thanks
    Best wishes


  • Participant
    Alex on #63749

    15-30 minute walks help with recovery.

    Mariner_9 on #63750

    “Is there any benefit in spending such a short period in this zone or is it only the longer ones that make a difference?”

    Might have some value for recovery – otherwise seems too short to have any training stimulus (given what you said about your other Z1/Z2 training).

    If you get a Husky, you’ll end up doing much longer dog walks. 😉

    Shashi on #63752

    Rich – you might find this forum discussion helpful –

    minimum duration of an Z1 aerobic workout

    Rich61 on #63881

    Cheers guys?

    Rich61 on #63882


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