Yet Another AeT Test Interpretation | Uphill Athlete


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Yet Another AeT Test Interpretation

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  • #82813

    Hey all. Super new to this world, very interested in learning more. Newer runner (25M, around 2 years of trying various training methods). I don’t come from an endurance sport background and I am just now realizing I may be pretty aerobically deficient. I recently ran 19:35 for 5k off of 25-45 mpw of very unstructured training. I did the 1 hour HR drift test on a track today, results attached below. I am obviously below the 3-5%, with my 1.62% trying to lock onto 144 bpm (with a garmin hrm pro chest strap). Should I re-do the test at 150 or just assume I am around 150? I want to stay below this level for easy running, so I was thinking just staying at/around 145 would be sufficient for easy training.

    Additionally, I am going to figure out my Anaerobic Threshold. Is the 30 minute hard test still the go-to for this? I am very curious to see these results, as I was running 12 min/mile pace for the 145 bpm when my 5k race pace is 6:18/mi – quite different.

    Thanks everyone!

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  • Keymaster
    Jane Mackay on #82920

    Hi jdlonneman, welcome. Glad to have you here 🙂

    I’d say yes, for now you could take 150 as top of zone 2, and training at around 145 should do the job. And yes, the 30 mins hard uphill effort is still the go-to test for AnT.


    jdlonneman on #82975

    Thanks for this, Jane! Did the anaerobic thresh test today, and found that AnT is 176. so 150 to 176 is 17%. Would you suggest easy all week with some strides mixed in until we get to 10% between the points, or could 1 sub threshold workout work?

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