Hey all. Super new to this world, very interested in learning more. Newer runner (25M, around 2 years of trying various training methods). I don’t come from an endurance sport background and I am just now realizing I may be pretty aerobically deficient. I recently ran 19:35 for 5k off of 25-45 mpw of very unstructured training. I did the 1 hour HR drift test on a track today, results attached below. I am obviously below the 3-5%, with my 1.62% trying to lock onto 144 bpm (with a garmin hrm pro chest strap). Should I re-do the test at 150 or just assume I am around 150? I want to stay below this level for easy running, so I was thinking just staying at/around 145 would be sufficient for easy training.
Additionally, I am going to figure out my Anaerobic Threshold. Is the 30 minute hard test still the go-to for this? I am very curious to see these results, as I was running 12 min/mile pace for the 145 bpm when my 5k race pace is 6:18/mi – quite different.
Thanks everyone!
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