Women in Navy SEAL training? (Advice) | Uphill Athlete


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Women in Navy SEAL training? (Advice)

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  • #80000
    Fire Rose

    Hi, I’m a 22 year old woman and I’m training to become a US Navy SEAL.

    How should a woman prepare for BUD/S (US Navy SEAL training)? Do you have any advice for preparation? Which training plan should I use? What books or websites would you recommend? There’s never been a female SEAL.

    SEAL candidates have to run 40 to 60 miles per week on sand, run 4 miles in 30 minutes weekly, swim 2 miles in 75 minutes in Scuba fins weekly, carry boats and logs, do rucking with heavy gear, complete an obstacle course weekly, etc.

    According to what some SEALs have told me, most female SEAL candidates struggle with carrying the boats and logs, doing pull ups and having grip strength. Also, a lot of female SEAL candidates break their legs or develop stress fractures.

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