WELCOME FUA GROUP #3 | Uphill Athlete


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  • #57525

    We’re thrilled to be working with you all super soon. Just a couple quick reminders:
    1) Important – we will be holding our orientation Zoom Tuesday October 5th at 11am Pacific Time. You received the link in the registration email post payment. If you are new to FUA Group Training you’ll want to be sure to set up your TrainingPeaks account and Self Select the plan you’d like prior to that Zoom. Instructions were also in the registration email.
    We will be going over many of the ins and outs of both TP and the plans and how everything flows in our orientation Zoom. These Zooms are recorded for later viewing in case you cannot make that actual date and time.

    2) Training begins Monday October 11th in your training plans and our first official full group Zoom will be Tuesday October 12th at 11am Pacific Time. Again the links for that were in your registration email. We will begin by answering any training questions you have to get you rolling for the next week.

    3)This will be the Forum in which you can ask us questions outside the Zoom chats, and connect with one another!

    See you all soon!
    Carolyn and Maya

  • Keymaster
    Jane Mackay on #57875

    Jaclyn, right above the video links, it should show the password as “RE81623.” That worked for me.

    Anonymous on #57876

    Hi Jeanie,
    Yes please post questions here. The forum is the best place to connect ( : Usually as you’ll see our Zooms are mostly educational and answering questions. Through the forum we can do that as well and others are welcomed to chime in! So please feel free to create your own topics and questions and we can all help out. We’ll post new topics before each zoom as well to keep you all up to date. Looking forward to helping you get going with FUA Group training program.
    All the best,

    Jane Mackay on #57877

    Jaclyn, right above the video links it should show the password as RE81623. That worked for me.

    Anonymous on #57879

    Hi Jeanie,
    This post may happen twice for some reason I do not see it so just in case. I’ll write again ( :
    This is the place to post questions and the best place ot connect with community. Our Zooms as you will see are largely education, and Q&A. Feel free to create your own questions and post on the FUA forum, this is for the FUA Group as well as the coaches.
    We will post new updates before each zoom so topics are focused.
    We’re excited to get you going with training and the FUA Group!
    Sending our best,

    mmingus on #57894

    I am now seeing my training plans on trainingpeaks.com!!! I disconnected my Coros pace 2 watch, then reconnected it and presto – I see what I am supposed to be able to view! Hopefully, the data will transfer from my Coros watch and Wahoo monitor…
    Thank you for your help in this matter.

    Maria Johnstone on #57895


    I am also not seeing any of my training on my training peaks account. I have connected my watch, and it looks like I have uphill athlete as a coach but no plans are showing.


    Anonymous on #57900

    Hi Masha,
    Have you selected a training plan via the registration email?
    I can see you are an UA athlete on Training Peaks, and i just upgraded you to the premium account ( : However we need you to request a plan so we know which one you’d like. If you know just respond here and I’ll get it applied to your account. If not it’s a link in your registration email.
    STEP 4/ 5
    Self Select Training plan – this plan will be applied to your Training Peaks account once set up.
    Use this link to read about each plan and make a selection: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc6fU7B6JnA-zgsq3WAmvTY3lMPRZIkWNdBvRx8QD5dLrqRuA/viewform?usp=sf_link

    Sending my best,

    Anonymous on #57901

    Hi Melinda! Good News ( :
    And you are most welcome!!

    Coach on #57910

    The password for the Vimeo videos should be in Training Peaks. Let me know if you can’t see them!

    Emese Foss on #57935

    Hi, I’m taking a sneak peek to the workouts this week and have a question about the Wednesday workout. There’s reference to RPE with numbers next to it. What does this mean? Thanks, Emese

    Anonymous on #57937

    Hi Emese,
    RPE – rate of perceived exertion on a scale of 1 – 10, 10 hardest.

    Emese Foss on #57951

    Hi, another question for you . . . I did the Zone 1 and 2 exercise today and it successfully uploaded onto TrainingPeaks. I’m wondering how to integrate the results into today’s workout calendar event for this exercise. Would you have time on tomorrow’s call to go through that process on your shared screen if a written response on this forum is too complicated? Thanks Emese

    Deanna McCormack on #58571

    Hey Coaches,
    I am late starting the program and just selected my plan. Can you apply it to my account to start on Monday?
    Thank you!

    Anonymous on #58576

    Hi Deanna,
    I can do that however I currently don’t have access to the plan spreadsheet, which plan did you choose? base, intermediate or advanced?

    Deanna McCormack on #58577

    Base! Thank-you!

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