WELCOME FUA GROUP #3 | Uphill Athlete


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  • Creator
  • #57525

    We’re thrilled to be working with you all super soon. Just a couple quick reminders:
    1) Important – we will be holding our orientation Zoom Tuesday October 5th at 11am Pacific Time. You received the link in the registration email post payment. If you are new to FUA Group Training you’ll want to be sure to set up your TrainingPeaks account and Self Select the plan you’d like prior to that Zoom. Instructions were also in the registration email.
    We will be going over many of the ins and outs of both TP and the plans and how everything flows in our orientation Zoom. These Zooms are recorded for later viewing in case you cannot make that actual date and time.

    2) Training begins Monday October 11th in your training plans and our first official full group Zoom will be Tuesday October 12th at 11am Pacific Time. Again the links for that were in your registration email. We will begin by answering any training questions you have to get you rolling for the next week.

    3)This will be the Forum in which you can ask us questions outside the Zoom chats, and connect with one another!

    See you all soon!
    Carolyn and Maya

  • Participant
    Heidi Jimenez on #57688

    Is this where the videos will be posted? Thank you, Heidi

    Anonymous on #57724

    Hello Heidi, Yes we will make a post 24-48 hours after the zoom call so you can access the video, stay tuned!
    All my best,

    Jane Mackay on #57769

    Hurrah! We’re here!!

    Btw, Carolyn & Maya, I still don’t see the training plan in my TP account. I’ve checked in both the browser and the phone app.


    Jaclyn St Louis on #57771

    Yay! Bookmarked this page!

    No rush as I don’t need the TP until next week, but after reviewing the Base plan I realized I already completed something similar (and beyond) recently and would like to switch to the Intermediate if possible. Thanks!


    Anonymous on #57774

    Hi Heidi, You should have received an email with the link as well there is a link in the now functioning forum, yay!

    Anonymous on #57775

    Hi Jane,
    Check again for me if you will. It was a TP mystery it said the plan was applied but it was not showing up. So I un-applied it and re-applied it and on my end i can see it. Let me know ( :

    Anonymous on #57776

    Hi Jackie,
    You are all set with the Intermediate plan now ( :

    Jane Mackay on #57778

    Yep, it’s visible now. Thanks, Carolyn!

    Anonymous on #57779

    You are most welcome Jane! ( :

    mmingus on #57780

    I don’t see my training plan on my training peaks account. Or, maybe I should ask, where do I find it? Thanks, Melinda

    Anonymous on #57781

    Hi Melinda,
    I just logged on and it’s there on my end. Refresh your screen and then on the tool bar at the top where you see HOME/CALENDAR/DASHBOARD; click on Calendar and you should see it beginning on the 11th.
    Let us know if you don’t.

    mmingus on #57812

    I don’t see HOME/CALENDAR/DASHBOARD across the top. I also don’t think I have the premium version anymore if that matters. I included a screenshot of what I see when I log in.
    thanks, Melinda

    Anonymous on #57821

    Hmmm, that’s very strange. I just checked in the master account for UA, and it says you have been upgraded to a premium by us, which is part of your FUA Group fee. So that should be set. The screen shot you sent was too large a file for to upload to the forum page so I couldn’t see it. Have you tried logging out and back in? Sometimes TrainingPeaks gets a bit persnickety. I also rechecked that you have the intermediate plan applied and can see it on my screen.
    If you don’t have a black toolbar across the top that says
    TrainingPeaks Athlete Home Calendar Dashboard ATP and then your name. Then there’s another issue…email group@uphillathlete.com with a screen shot if none of the above measures have fixed the problem. We’ll get it sorted out!

    Jeanie Ringelberg on #57861

    Hi Everyone/Coaches,

    Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make any of the Tuesday Zooms since I work during that time and typically don’t have a break. I will make sure to watch the videos and hopefully can post any questions on this forum. Part of the reason I joined this was to be part of a community though so hopefully I can still connect with you all.


    Jaclyn St Louis on #57871

    The vimeo videos linked in the workouts say they are from a private account and I don’t have access to watch 🙁

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