video of the Core Blast workout? | Uphill Athlete

video of the Core Blast workout?

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  • #10218

    Im doing the Josh Wharton’s 8 week Intermediate to Advance course. Started last week and I’m really enjoying it and have already seen improvements in my climbing. I’m new to the TRX program and was hoping that there’s a video that you guys have or recommend?
    Thank you
    Jacob Schmitz

Posted In: Climbing

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    Anonymous on #10220

    Thanks for buying Josh’s plan. It helps fund his trips to the big stone 🙂 We get lots of positive feedback on Josh’s plans from rock climbers so we are as confident of their efficacy as we are of our endurance oriented plans.

    We’d love to make a video of the TRX Core Blast workout. We’d love to make a lot of other videos. Hell, we’d love to have more time just to go climbing and skiing. But we’re a tiny little outfit and we’re barely able to manage the growth of the biz as it is right now. Trust me when I tell you that this on Steve’s and my list.

    Our best intentions are not going to help you right now though, so here is a work around:
    First the theory: Keep in mind that that there are a ton of different ways to work the core but what you want to be doing is to NOT isolate the individual parts of the core in this workout. In general your goals is to engage the whole package from hands to feet. That’s what you want to do when you are climbing steep (overhanging) routes right? keep pressure on on hands and feet. This is where the TRX does such a good job.

    Practice: What we recommend you do till Steve and I get off our lazy asses and make this video is to go to Youtube and search for those specific exercises that Josh lists. The names are pretty common, which is why he chose them. These will demo the basic position. But, don’t forget to adjust and play around with them to hit your weaknesses.

    I hope this helps,

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