Vertical ascent per hour | Uphill Athlete


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Vertical ascent per hour

  • Creator
  • #4742
    James H

    Hey guys,
    Yesterday only had time for a fairly short workout so went to some local steps (outdoors) and went up and down for 45 minutes (no pack on) it worked out at 1800ft of ascent in those 45 minutes my HR was 145-150 throughout my aerobic threshold is 152 approx. Is this respectable? I know its not top level alpinist level my goal is Mont Blanc this summer by the normal route. I was fairly fatigued going into this workout- last full rest day was last Saturday.

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    Anonymous on #4750


    Yes 1800ft in 45 while staying below AeT is definitely respectable. These workouts will provide a the need base for some weighted aerobic uphill hikes and finally for the hard ME workouts that you should try to fit in the last 6-8 weeks before your trip to Mt Blanc.


    James H on #4776

    Hi Scott
    Thanks for the reply. Would you still recommend muscular endurance workouts for those (like myself) who are fairly time crunched? Or should I just continue with base training right until my trip?

    JamesD on #6097

    Sorry to butt in – I did MB via Gouter in 2013. The summit day was yer classic long snowy plod and I found it pretty straightforward. Getting up to the Gouter hut from the Nid d’Aigle the previous day I found much harder – severely exposed my lack of strength reserve in legs and core, with corresponding lack of ME. I can’t tell where you’re starting from by comparison with me, but you may well find you need some ME in there somewhere.

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