Upcoming Dec 22nd Zoom Questions (Nutrition) | Uphill Athlete


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Upcoming Dec 22nd Zoom Questions (Nutrition)

  • Creator
  • #60458

    Just wanted to start a thread here to house questions to help Rebecca for the next Zoom meeetup. Throw them in here!

  • Participant
    Edgar Carby on #60512

    1. Can cutting carbohydrates from your diet drive fat adaptation while still allowing hard training? If so, can you suggest macro ranges that will promote fat adaption but still allow hard training?

    2. Do you suggest modulating carb intake daily based on the intensity of the workout prescription?

    3. Do you recommend carb intake (gels, etc) during 3+ hour low intensity exercise?

    4. If I’m really hungry after a workout, is that a good time to NOT carb up to try to force fat adaptation?

    Umer on #60613

    Thank you for the opportunity; it would be great to have Ms Dent remarks:

    1. Based on my experience (Long distance running), it was recommended to eat a carb-heavy diet with at least 05-07 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight and at least 60% of daily intake coming from carbs. What is the recommended macronutrient distribution ranges for people “training for mountaineering”?

    2. I do 20 hours fast every day (OMAD) & do training (Z1 & Z2) in fasted state & open my fast immediately after the workouts. Is it okay, or should I change the schedule?

    3. We used to avoid eating salad/fibre when training for long-distance runs. However, a large bowl of salad (a necessary evil) is now part of my daily diet. Is there any particular food to avoid?

    4. Maintaining a calculated diet or fasting becomes increasingly difficult during an expedition or multiday trips. What would be your recommended strategy for such trips? As Scott & Rebecca discuss during the podcast “Train on Fats & Race on Carbs”, we should avoid these principles during an event?

    5. Is carb-loading helpful/recommended in mountaineering?

    bill on #60647

    I would like to ask Rebecca about training at a calorie deficit at two points of the training cycle: while building aerobic capacity, and during blocks of training with high intensity or muscular endurance workouts. Is it even possible (in either) and if it is, how does one develop a plan and monitor its workability? Does training at a calorie deficit require a shift in the mix of carbs, protein, and fat?

    kazu.ishidera on #60877

    If Rebecca can share her experiences with a diet using her adventures, how she eats before, during, and after the training, and during the climbs. Does she set the goal for her weight/BMI before the trip? Why?

    A food plan for Denali will be helpful. Daily Calories. What not to bring. Do we really need to carry a frying pan? lol What type of real food do you carry? What do you eat before the summit day or alpine start morning and etc?

    In my culture, the diet is carbohydrate-heavy, has less protein, and has more vegetables compared to the western diet. I try to eat a balanced meal. It seems to be everything that I read and hear is a bit too extreme and stressful how we restrict diet. But, if it’s really beneficial I certainly love to try.

    xenab.mansoor on #60984

    Thank you for the opportunity to post pre-zoom questions as I have many related to nutrition! As a female athlete ‘struggling to keep weight on’ during the build phase of training, I have realized that, for me, nutrition is by far the biggest indicator of success (other than rest) when it comes to alpine climbing and big mountain objectives. Here are my questions:

    1. What is the best macro nutrient for a) pre workout, b) during workout, c)post workout when you are in the build or peak phase of training?

    2. Which macronutrient(s) helps the most in fat adaptation? At what time of the day, as related to training? I train in late afternoon during weekdays and mornings on weekends. Can you please dummy explain this to me? because there is so much literature on this topic that it is now unnecessarily complicated with jargon beyond even my doctor mind :/

    3. For female athletes, should any macronutrient, micronutrient or vitamin/ supplement adjustments be made as it relates to the menstrual cycle? If so, can you please be specific?

    Reason I am asking is because I feel a big post work out crash when I am about to have my period… why is that? What can I do to mitigate it? ( I don’t get PMS by the way)

    4. What are the best vitamins/ micronutrients for female athletes training for big mountains?

    5. Is micronized-DHEA something that’s helpful during training? I take it everyday and (psychologically) it seems to help…

    6. Any foods that can help with mitigating Raynaud’s? I have a severe case that’s worsened with more and more cold exposure, to the point that I am now experiencing it while hiking during Seattle winter… I am hoping there’s a multi prong approach to managing this including supplements and/ or nutrition and any help or guidance is much appreciated!

    for reference, I am planning to climb Denali 2022

    Thank you!

    MarkPostle on #60991

    Thanks everyone, I have sent the questions along to Rebecca to help her with ideas about what we all have questions about. See you all at the Zoom!

    Ryan Barr on #61065

    Mark how do we get on this zoom call?

    Ryan Barr on #61067

    I have the link now. Thanks.

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