Tuesday December 7th Coaches Zoom Topic | Uphill Athlete


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Tuesday December 7th Coaches Zoom Topic

  • Creator
  • #60294

    Hello FUA!
    We hope everyone had a fabulous weekend and are enjoy your training! You as athletes have now collectively gathered enough data in your Training Peaks accounts that we can discuss what those mystery numbers and stats mean on the right hand side of the training week as well as some fun resources in your dashboard, and other features you may have questions about. The main focus will be CTL/ATL/TSB discussion, however we will cover any other questions that have come up in your training thus far. Please feel free to post questions here for Tuesday if you cannot make the zoom and we will make sure everything is covered.
    All the best,
    Carolyn and Maya

  • Participant
    Melanie Hunter on #60295

    Hi Carolyn and Maya,

    I have a question about TSS “fudge” factors for hiking, if you end up going over that aspect of Training Peaks numbers on our call this week.

    We’ve discussed adding ~10 for every thousand feet hiked uphill (did I get that right?), as well as adding for extra weight. I have two more that have come up recently: cold, and hiking in fresh/deeper snow.

    Cold–Last weekend it was between -10 and -15 F for my 2+ hour hike. I very seldom get cold on hikes, but I was chilled by the time I got back to the car and I was pretty tired for a few days afterwards, like the cold really took if out of me.

    Fresh snow–today’s hike was on packed trails that grew progressively softer as I got higher. By the time I turned around I was on 3-5 inches of fresh snow over semi-hard packed trail. I was never post-holing or anything-it was like walking in beach sand.

    Is there a metric for either of these factors? Or do you just go more by overall feel rather than try to specifically parse things out like that?


    Pam Foyster on #60367

    I have not been able to attend the calls for several weeks; can you please post the link? Thank you very much.
    Pam Foyster

    Anonymous on #60368

    Hi Pam,
    We have the link as a permanent post in the forum and I’ll repost it here. Just in case you need it again you can scroll down through the forum. ( :
    Topic: Bi-Weekly Female Uphill Athlete Training Group Zoom
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    Emese Foss on #60646

    Hi, I’m wondering if there’s a way to include the weight that was carried for the long hike today? I’d like the program to calculate that extra effort, and not just think that it’s a regular hike. Is there a way to do that? Thanks, Emese

    Jane Mackay on #60662

    Emese, this article on the UA website says to add 20 TSS per 305 m (1000 ft) for a hike carrying more than 10% of bodyweight.

    Understanding and Using the TrainingPeaks Metrics CTL and TSS 

    Jane Mackay on #60663

    Maya and Carolyn I don’t see the latest Zoom call in the Google Drive. Has it been uploaded and I’m just not seeing it?

    Anonymous on #60677

    Hi Emese,
    Jane is 100% on it, we use the TSS fudge factors discussed in that article Jane posted, that will be you best resource.

    And Jane, I’ll look into why the zoom call has not been uploaded, I don’t personally have access to that but we’ll get it into the cyber universe asap ((:

    Jane Mackay on #60705

    Thanks, Carolyn!

    Coach on #60709

    Hello Jane,

    When I went to upload it originally it had failed and I forgot to check back. I am re-attempting to upload that right now! Thanks for following up!

    Jane Mackay on #60711

    Thanks, Maya!

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