Hi there,
As a beginner to organized training I have been using TftUA to create a plan and have some questions about how to include general strength and core workouts into the plan. Using the book suggested training hours I would fall into the 400 hours per 50 weeks. Starting the Transition Period at 50% that would put me at 4 hours per week of total training time. For strength and core I fall into the Stage 2 Workouts.
The first time I did a general strength workout (not trying to do an ME) I spent almost 15 min. of the total time in Z3 which would undermine the Z1/Z2 work I am doing to solve my ADS – keeping to Scott’s suggestion of 5% or less of time above AeT, I would have to be doing 5 hours a week of Z1/Z2 per strength workout to offset the time in Z3.
My primary goal right now is to reduce my ADS. I know strength training is also important. How do I reconcile these?
What HR Zone/s should I be in for these workouts?
Should I be including the time in each HR Zone in the training volume for the week?
Do you have any suggestions for how long strength workouts should take?
For planning purposes, should I be taking, for example, 4 hours minus 2x 1 hour general strength sessions, leaving 2 hours of Z1/Z2 workouts. Then increase just the Z1/Z2 time by x % per week? Strength training sessions stay the same length throughout the program but adding resistance.
Thanks for any input!