Training Plans | Uphill Athlete

Training Plans

  • Creator
  • #65199


    Please use this post if you are still having trouble viewing your plan or if you would like to request a different plan!

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    vicky.bell on #65200

    Hey Maya! I thought I’d successfully completed everything last week (signing up for the Base plan), but as far as I can tell, I still don’t see my plan in TrainingPeaks. I say *as far as I can tell*, because I’m actually a member of 2 other training plans in TP, so I don’t know if I *am* actually subscribed to the FUA Base plan and am just getting really confused with the other 2 plans! 🙂 Could you have a look at the attached screenshot and let me know if I’m seeing the right thing? I’ve tried unapplying those other 2 plans but can’t seem to get them off my calendar …

    Feeling like a dummy,

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    Coach on #65202

    That is the correct plan! It looks like you are now just viewing the FUA plan!

    Megan Nicklaus on #65203

    Hi Maya,
    Thank you for putting this out there. I would welcome your advice. I have been doing the 16 week mountaineering plan for 4 weeks. Currently I am doing 1hr 40 minutes of Core/General Strength and fixed rope pulling general arms twice/week, and Hiking/Stair Machine 4 times per week. (Currently at 1.5 hours, 1 hour, Sat. 1:45hrs w/40lb pack, Sunday 2.5hrs weekends minimum of 1100 ft gain each hike.)

    I am not sure if I am on the basic or intermediate plan now. I don’t consider myself advanced, but not sure if I should consider this?
    Thank you for any guidance or recommendation you might provide!

    vicky.bell on #65204

    Oh, perfect — that’s what I wanted to know 🙂 Thanks, Maya!

    Coach on #65205

    Hello Megan,

    I would recommend Advanced if you are already on that plan and feel like it was a good level for you. Would you like me to change that for you?

    Laura on #65208

    Hi Maya,

    Thanks for all the information today! At the moment I have chosen the intermediate plan and I think it would be better to change to advanced.
    In the last months I did more weekly training hours (skitouring, trailrunning, mountaineering) than in the intermediate training plan are sceduled and I felt good with it. But I did not focus so much on specific strength training but I do rock climbing and sporty Yoga…

    Could you please change me to advanced or do you think that the advanced plan does not fit?

    Thanks and best regards from Germany,

    Megan Nicklaus on #65209

    That would be great thank yoU! I suppose I can always back down if it becomes to much.
    I appreciate it!

    Coach on #65210

    Hello Laura,

    Of course!! I will change both you and Megan right now 🙂

    Meighan Ferris-Miles on #65220

    Hi Maya,

    I’m debating between the Intermediate and Advanced plan. I think my AeT and AnT spread is around 10-11%. For the last 3 months, I have been doing approximately 6-7 hours of cardio per week plus 2 hours of strength. The cardio has been 3 runs (or snowshoeing or nordic skiing depending on conditions), 2 indoor bike rides and 1 swim per week. One day of full recovery and one day of active recovery. I have the Intermediate plan and it looks like the volume will still allow me to do 1 swim and maybe 1 bike, plus follow the program (I’d like to keep incorporating these other sports as my body likes the low impact). Do you think I would get more benefit from the Advanced plan? I’m training for a 35km trail/mountain race in Quebec, Canada with 1200m elevation in early August. So, I have time for a couple of more training blocks after this plan is complete. Thanks!


    Elaina Oliver on #65221

    Sorry I missed the first half of the Orientation zoom call.

    Where do I locate my training plan?
    How do I request Maya and Carolyn for a phone consultation?

    Coach on #65223

    Hello Meighan,

    I think with your timeline and your wanting to add in other sports I would stick with the Intermediate plan for now. If in a few weeks (2-3) you feel like you can handle more I will happily switch you. I would rather you start off at an easier level before you add more. Does that make sense?

    Coach on #65225

    Hello Elaina,

    Your training plan should be on Training Peaks. If you are not seeing the Training Plan refer back to the first half of our zoom call. It has been recorded and is posted on the forum under the post “ Updated! Google Drive a Zoom Links FUA Spring 2022” The google drive link will have all of the zooms in the future as well if you miss them.

    You can request a phone consultation using this link:
    It is $50/30min.

    I hope this helps! If you still don’t see your Training Plan after following the steps from the zoom please let us know!

    Pia Lichtblau on #65232

    Dear Maya,

    I’m very curious to start with the training group 🙂 But still I have some questions:
    I’m preparing for two trail races:

    1) July 29
    Distance : 37km
    Altitude: 1.500m positive / 2.200m negative

    2) September 3-4
    Distance Day 1: 43km
    Altitude Day 1: 2.180m pos / 2.040m neg
    Distance Day 2: 31km
    Altitude Day 2: 1.770m pos / 1.840m neg

    Till now I did 4 units a week
    – 2 easy runs
    – 1 anaerobic run like intervals, hill sprints…
    – 1 long trailrun at the weekend (2:00h to 3:30h duration) with different distances and altitudes

    I didn`t focus a lot on strength training, to be honest I did far too little of it.

    Currently I’m on the intermediate training plan and regarding the weekly duration this seems fine for me. But there aren’t any anaerobic workouts foreseen and the workouts on weekends are much shorter and much lighter compared what I did till now.

    Is this training plan nonetheless fine for me or should I change one of the aerobic runs to a anaerobic?
    And should I stick to the hikes suggested in the plan or should I do my trailruns? Or does it make sense to do one week a hike, the other week a trailrun.

    Building aerobic capacity is an important goal for me, I’m not very strong in this. So therefore the training plan seems perfect – but does it fit to my races?

    Thanks a lot for your advice!

    Coach on #65237

    Hello Pia,

    Great questions! I would recommend sticking with the Intermediate plan for now. You can always add a little volume if you feel like it is lower than you are used to. If you don’t have a large strength background hopping onto the Advanced plan would be a mistake. Additionally, you will start seeing some anaerobic, or higher intensity work with the Intermediate plan in a few weeks. So don’t add in anything extra higher intensity just yet, see how this goes. As for hiking vs running. I would highly recommend you do one of your aerobic days hiking. Running is hard on your joints and body and giving it a day to not run is incredibly beneficial. With that being said, if you are used to longer runs I would keep doing those in prep for your race on the weekend and switch one of the other weekly runs to a hike. Does that make sense?

    Meighan Ferris-Miles on #65238

    Hi Maya,

    Yes, after thinking about it more I was landing in the same place. I think the Intermediate plan is the right approach. Thanks for your quick response! I’m really excited about this group.


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