Training Peaks Workout Builder | Uphill Athlete


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Training Peaks Workout Builder

  • Creator
  • #41227

    Hi Uphill Athletes,

    I’m moving into week 8 of the beginner marathon training plan and have a few questions about the workout builder in Training Peaks and Using TftUA zones. I’ve attached an image for your reference.

    I’m wondering whether this tool is worth using for planning? If so, do you manually calculate the percentage difference from AnT and enter the percentages manually?

    Finally, since I just calculated my AnT last week of 177, and I have updated if in Training peaks my TSS seems to be lower. Does this make sense (it was raised from a lower number but I can’t remember the number)?

    I hope this makes sense. Thanks for your help.


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  • Participant
    OwenFW on #41230

    Yes it makes sense. If you do a workout of the same duration at the same HR with a higher threshold number in the system, you’re working at a lower percentage of that threshold. According the the TSS formula you’re inducing less fatigue.

    peter.c.osborne on #41251

    Thanks- that makes sense. Also, for my first question regarding using Zones in the TP workout builder, I received an email from TP support saying they are ‘looking into’ adding Zones into the workout builder and recommended I add it to there support page. While doing this I found some other requests for the same thing.

    So if you are interested in adding this go here to vote and maybe TP will add it faster. I honestly didn’t know this was site was a thing so that’s great too.


    Anonymous on #41357

    What Owen said!

    With respect to the workout builder, I haven’t used it much because we work off of aerobic threshold versus anaerobic (which it’s based around). However, for my clients that have very close thresholds (10 beats or less), it does seem to work reasonably well.

    The problem is that, with thresholds that are further apart, more work would be done above aerobic threshold than we would normally advise. It makes me wonder if Andrew Coggan’s original studies (that lead to the creation of TSS) were done with very well-trained athletes. The good thing is that his theories always advise a lot of training at (based on HR) of 83% of anT or less. After converting from one system to the other, that’s in line with a lot of what we recommend as well. Two paths to the same goal, I guess.

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