Total elevation by month in Trainingpeaks? | Uphill Athlete


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Total elevation by month in Trainingpeaks?

  • Creator
  • #51373

    I’m trying to figure out if I’m missing something in TrainingPeaks that someone here might know! I’ve set a monthly elevation gain goal for myself, and I’ve scoured Training Peaks for a report that could show total elevation by month, rather than day or week? Does anyone know if this can be done?

  • Participant
    Shashi on #51412


    As you said there is no report in the TrainingPeaks dashboard that provides a monthly summary of elevation gain. Unfortunately, I don’t see Elevation Gain as a metric even when I Export Data (Profile > Settings > Export Data).

    I believe you will have to calculate the monthly elevation gain using the weekly summary in Calendar or the Dashboard report. If you find a different solution, let us know.

    LindsayTroy on #51415

    This isn’t quite what you’re asking, but Strava has this feature, and training peaks + Strava talk pretty seamlessly.

    Anonymous on #51545

    In TP, you could use the Elevation Gain by Week chart and add the weeks. FOr something more long-term, Garmin has some basic reports in Garmin Connect.

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