TFNA for trail marathons | Uphill Athlete

TFNA for trail marathons

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  • #9155

    I am following the training plan for almost 3 months now and I should peak after ~4 months. My Alpine objective at the moment is not very demanding (2.4km ascent over 2 days, easy hiking with one axe and crampons, no technical stuff, no super-heavy packs) and I wanted to use my fitness to do a half-marathon (or full) race. I am aiming at finishing the race in a reasonable time for a beginner (<2h for the half marathon).

    This made me wonder how well would TFNA training transfer to trail-marathons and similar events if I would do all of the training without a backpack/added weight? I really enjoy the training so far and am seeing good results, but I am not sure how should I train for an event such as this (40km over 3km ascent). Is TFNA suited for this or is it suited mainly at mountaineering/alpine objectives where heavy packs are involved?

    Best wishes

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #9160


    The training principles in TftNA will be directly applicable to a mountain running race. Be sure to include more running and not only hiking so you get used the pounding that running gives your legs. We are just now in the final stages of editing our next book which we wrote along with Kilian Jornet on training for mountain running and skimo. Will be out from Patagonia in less that a year.


    tomasaiduk on #9162

    Looking forward to the book, thanks Scott.

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