It is easy to forget about or neglect this part of training, I think that is why so many runners/endurance athletes find themselves injured.
Those working a full time job (lots of runners and skiers) will find themselves with very little free time, even if they are only averaging 8hr a week of training.
Stretching post workout will probably improve your mobility and at least serve as a sort of cooldown, so props for doing so; however, I think you could benefit more by researching specific “pre-hab” (as Diana mentioned) specifically designed for your sport, and utilizing the “workouts” at least several times a week.
These days there are so many free resources online for this stuff. In fact, I follow several accounts focused on rehab, “pre-hab”, or running form on instagram, and as a result see a lot of the information even during my down-time.
As for foam-rolling specifically, individually I find it helps but it definitely isnt my favorite; although, any sort of muscle tension release activity like foam-roll, massage, or thera-gun should help muscle recovery.
Overall, I definitely notice my body’s stiffness and fatigue more on weeks that I neglect the boring self-care stuff.
Hopefully not too much opinion and speculation overload here…