Second layer clothing | Uphill Athlete

Second layer clothing

  • Creator
  • #61575

    Hi guys, im kinda not sure what to wear during uphill seasons
    currently im using just some basic thermo clothing combined with a thicker functional pullover and a softshell jacket

    thinking of getting a Karpos ALAGNA PLUS EVO JACKET but im not sure if its the right thing as they have many versions for their jackets 😀

    any tips if its any good or something else or what sould i focus for

Posted In: Ski Mountaineering

  • Participant
    hafjell on #61600

    I’d stick with what you have unless there’s a specific reason to purchase new. What about your current system isn’t working?

    ostogiske on #61663

    got fat and went from L size to XL 😀

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