Seattle Area Uphill Training Spots | Uphill Athlete


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Seattle Area Uphill Training Spots

  • Creator
  • #24571

    I’ll be in Seattle this summer for a short stay. Any locals know of in town uphill training areas. The drive to Mt. Si / Little Si wont be possible every day so I’m looking for city hills.

    Thanks in advance

  • Participant
    benjamin.connel on #24613

    Depends on what you’re looking for. Poo Poo Point and West Tiger 3 are much closer than Si (Exit 20 vs 32). If you’re looking for sprint hills, Queen Anne Hill is good starting on W Prospect Ave, and when I lived downtown I’d sprint the distance of Virginia Ave between Western and 1st just north of the Market. For Zone 2 long training, my solution was to use the staircase in my highrise building for about 25 floors and ride the elevator to the base to get laps in. Unless you want to do 2342 laps of the hill at GasWorks that or a stairmaster might be your better mid-week options.

    Anonymous on #24641

    Do you know what part of the city you’ll be in? Seattle is great in that there are many pocket parks with steep trails and/or stairs. Woodland Park, Interlaken Park, Ravenna Park, Galer St (paved), Richmond Beach stairs, and Discovery Park are all great options. How long of a hill are you looking for? I lived there for years and have many athletes who can’t get out to the trails often but can get in all the stuff they need in the city and am happy to give you routes!

    Steve House on #24727

    Here are some tips, not specific to Seattle, but this will help:

    Easily Find Training Locations When Traveling

    jones on #24795

    Thanks everyone!

    Benjamin – Excellent, Thank you.
    Steve – Perfect tutorial; Thank you.
    Alison – Killer beta – I’d love any routes you have. I’ll be closer to Ravena this time around but I do have to go regularly so I’m looking to find ways to get my Uphill on.; Thank You.

    Jim Prager on #24809

    If you can’t leave the city, the Seattle All Stairs map might be helpful for planning routes. There are photos of the stairs with a count of the steps. I use it occasionally when I’m looking for something new and can’t make it to the mountains.

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