Run types, RPE, and HR zones | Uphill Athlete


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Run types, RPE, and HR zones

  • Creator
  • #79611
    Matthew Morriss


    I had a general question about how to think about the different types of runs in the training plans, RPE, and HR zones.

    I’m on the 50k Plan and have three types of runs during most weeks:
    Endurance/Long runs (RPE 5-6)
    Steady State Runs (RPE 7 intervals)
    Recovery Runs (RPE 1-3?)

    I’m coming from the Mtneering training groups which were very focused on HR zones, so I wanted to think also about runs in the sense of zones.

    Would the following be appropriate thinking?
    Endurance/Long Runs (Zone 1, mostly Z2)
    Steady State Runs (Zone 3 for fast interval; Z2 for rest)
    Recovery Runs (Zone 1)

    Thanks for your feedback and insights!

  • Moderator
    Brian Passanti on #79759

    That’s a great question Matthew.
    Yes. The Heart Rate Zones and RPE’s do align in a similar fashion to your description. Uphill Athlete has a created a chart (attached) for your reference.

    Coach Brian

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    Matthew Morriss on #79781

    Thanks Brian this is super helpful!

    nicofournier on #79876

    Not sure whether it is of any help but I slowed by recovery runs right down below Z1; they are now feeling absolutely amazing and significantly improving recovery (vs. staying in Z1 which is what I used to do for the recovery runs). For the rest, I used the table as provided by Brian.

    nicofournier on #80005

    Follow up question on RPE: I am on week 5 of the 100 mile plan with a 20 mile described as an “easy long run” which, I understand using table would be z2-ish. But the stated RPE in the plan’s workout is 5-6 which, in the table, would mean Z3 (above my AeT).

    I thought that the long runs would be mostly below the AeT (i.e., Z2 or below). But based on the RPE stated in the plan and table, it could be interpreted as having to stay over the AeT (Z3). Could you confirm whether these long runs should mainly be below or under the AeT (roughly speaking, of course)?

    Thanks heaps!

    Nga mihi nui. Nico

    nicofournier on #80006

    ^^ Question should read: should the easy long runs be below or ABOVE the AeT (not “under”). Sorry!

    stefangoetschl on #90037

    I’m really curious about this as well. Nico, did you find an answer to your last question?

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