Recovery - Post Expedition | Uphill Athlete


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Recovery – Post Expedition

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  • #21013

    Hey Everyone,
    Just got back from a 3 week expedition in the Gila Wilderness, New Mexico and I am very happy to share that the 24 Week Expedition program made for a successful adventure! Aerobic capacity, muscular endurance, physical strength, body adaptation to high pack weight (upwards of 62lb on a 135lb body), all came out in spades!

    1) How should I go about recovery before starting my next training cycle? (Steve’s Adv Alpinist plan)

    2) I am 2 days back in town and have been feeling mentally foggy/a lingering state of fatigue. Any insights on this?
    I assume it’s my body going into “rest & recovery mode” now that it realizes it can take some time off and that demands are not being made of it (I’ve also been wrapped up in catching up on life).

    Thank you!!



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    Anonymous on #21019

    Congratulations on your successful trip. It doesn’t look like your standard mountaineering trip either 🙂

    Its normal to feel a physical and mental let down after a big trip. It can be hard to re-enter normal life. Id put your training log away for at least 2 weeks. Stay active but do stuff you’ve not been able to do during the trining program. Maybe that playing golf or going surfing or just hangin out with friends. Avoid stuff that makes you tired, so don’t go do a hard day of cragging during this period, despite that the season is upon us. Some easy laps on climbs that are 2-3 number grades below you last onsight best is plenty for now. You’ll feel your mojo returning and in a couple of weeks you’ll probably start getting the itch to train again.


    TerryLui on #21092

    Thank you Scott!!

    Steve House on #21123

    Hi Terry, Looks like a cool adventure!

    I would only reiterate what Scott said. Specifically, do those things you wished you had time for when you were training all the time!

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