Recovery after the Himalaya | Uphill Athlete

Recovery after the Himalaya

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  • #23638

    I’m just back from the Himalaya and wondering how/when to get back into training. I used TFTNA to write myself a schedule before I went, was fitter than I have ever been, and performed well on the mountain. We didn’t summit, though, because of a serious accident involving other members of our expedition. I’m now home and feeling physically pretty good but mentally tired from the stress of it all. I’ve already had two weeks off any training, and am wondering when to start getting back into training. I don’t want to lose my fitness. Equally, I don’t want to be driving myself too hard in a way that becomes detrimental. Would be grateful to hear anyone’s experience. Thank you!

  • Keymaster
    Steve House on #23642

    My rule of thumb was always to take a month off from structure training. It sounds like a lot in a way, but this doesn’t mean a month of laying on the couch. Rather, it’s a month doing whatever i want, whenever I want. Meaning if I want to join some friends paddleboarding, I do. Or rock climb 3 pitches one day and 15 pitches the next day, I do. I was active. But I avoided structure.

    At the end of a month of that I would usually start to feel the itch to train again. My mind would start to think about my climbing goals for the next year and then I would know I was ‘ready’.

    Hope that helps.

    katejarmstrong on #23662

    Thanks very much. Will try that and seee how my body and mind respond.

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