question about the recovery week | Uphill Athlete

question about the recovery week

  • Creator
  • #58544
    Jane Mackay

    On the recovery weeks I find myself moving the off day to Thursday and doing the aerobic workout on Wednesday because it feels good to move and get the circulation flowing after the strength/ME workout, and also I’m usually not ready for another off day so soon after Sunday. Then I’m happy for the off day on Thurs and feel relatively fresh for the strength/ME workout on Friday and the hike on Saturday.

    Am I overdoing it and obviating the purpose of the recovery week by doing it this way?

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #58575

    Hi Jane,
    Not in the least. Many times athletes have to take our week and adjust to work and life schedules. Another adjustment is subjective. You have to listen to your body. We all work a bit differently so as long as you are taking the rest day it is totally fine to move it ( :
    All the best,

    Jane Mackay on #58613

    Thanks, Carolyn. That’s good to know!

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