Hi all! I’ve had a bit of a difficult time wrapping my head around the Pa:HR metric so bear with me if this is a simple concept/silly question.
If my regular training runs end up being about an hour and 20 minutes, I’ve been occasionally taking my file in Runalyze or Training Peaks and chopping off the 20 min. warm-up and referring to the Pa:HR value for the remaining hour to make sure it’s under 5%, thinking that this ensures the run is under my Aet. Does this make sense? When I’ve done this, pa:HR is typically 2% or less which to me would seem to indicate an aerobic effort. Also, feels easy and recovery is great.
I’m contrasting these from a formal drift test because I don’t do the run with an intention of keeping my HR close to a specific number. The average HR per mile is very close (1 or 2 beats variation per mile) but my HR is one of those that tends to bounce around quite a bit.
Does this thinking make sense? Or is the pa:HR metric only useful if the heart rate is quite steady throughout the effort? Thank you!