Question on having no Aerobic Base/Suffering from “ADS”. More or less, since time is one resource I have(no wife, no kids). Should I greatly increase the duration of the aerobic runs/hikes? Not even remotely tired after the planned duration in the 8 week plan. Add fasted cardio, 1hr+, to every single workout day in the morning? (weekend ones are fasted)
History as follows:
Male, 37.
MAF is 143 HR. (Unable to find place to get tested near Seattle, University of WA does do Gas Exchange/CardioPulmonary tests. BUT the machine is being repaired, 4-6 weeks, so Jan).
I do have asthma if that matters? def does not bother me during the aerobic runs.
Used to heavily weight lift/power lift +/-10 years ago. But 200-250kg squat/deadlifts do not transition well to alpine)
Had surgery in March for deviated septum+other. Couldn’t do much for 2-3 months. Started back up in June this year
Been trying to build my aerobic base/cardio for the last two years without much luck. Apparently all the running I was doing previosuly and hiking was in the Anaerobic zone. Using this past July I was roughly averaging around 20.81 miles, ~11-12 hours/week. All apparently in the Anaerobic zones. My AeT & AnT are probably within 10%…. but in the wrong direction, ha!
No pain, no gain right? whooooops.
Picked up TFNA and it has been a great resource! Even bought 2 other copies to give people!
After taking Sept/Oct “off”(very scattered runs/hikes) Currently working on the 8 week plan, week 4, was going to transition to 16/24 for baker/adams summits in June/July/August(not sure on plan, dates in the air).
When running I seem to kick in to AnT after a bit, then I can keep it close with running 30-40 steps? then walk/recover, 30-40 steps run, 30-40 walk, repeat. Probably horrible running economy+suffering from huge aerobic deficiency?
However after these “run”s or hikes’ I’m not even remotely tired. I might feel something the next day say after hiking in my calves, barely. But 48 hours later I seem to be fully recovered? (ie: hiked sat, hardly felt anything in calves sunday, completely fine today could go again no problem.)
Apologies for the long winded post. Thanks!